Results for 'S. V. Klimova'

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  1.  4
    Bytie i poznanie: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.S. V. Klimova (ed.) - 1999 - Saratov: Saratovskii gos. tekhn. universitet.
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    Rossii︠a︡ i Zapad: vzaimovlii︠a︡nie ideĭ i istoricheskikh sudeb: tezisy Vtorogo Mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma, noi︠a︡brʹ, 1996 god.V. A. Friauf, S. V. Klimova & I. V. Sokolova (eds.) - 1997 - Saratov: Saratovskiĭ gos. tekhn. universitet.
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    Civil Society Discourse in Russian Modernism and French Post-Modernism.Svetlana Klimova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:121-127.
    Various approaches to civil society research are considered. Two key problems caused by impact of post-modernism are discussed, that are: crises of identification with the society and problems of personal identity. A particular personality crisis that is specific for contemporary Russia is noticed. The crisis is caused by the combination of two factors. They are: social abandonment, atomization and loneliness and total relativism produced by expansion of post-modernism. The second factor influences the Western citizenship as well. That’s why “re-emergence” of (...)
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    Methodological approaches to multiple aspect analysis of advertising language manipulative opportunities.M. V. Melnichuk, I. I. Klimova & M. A. Belogash - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (5):334.
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    Adamův obraz v anglických encyklopedických pracích raného novověku.Petra Klímová - 2014 - Pro-Fil 14 (2):25.
    Obsah této studie se zaměřuje na mýtus o prvotním hříchu a jeho dopadu na encyklopedické práce v raném novověku. Jejím hlavním cílem je zde zodpovězení otázky do jaké míry byly encyklopedie tímto příběhem ovlivněny a následně popsat konkrétní změny, které byly tímto mýtem zapříčeněny. Hlavní pozornost je věnována zejména nejvýznamnějším anglickým encyklopedickým pracím v raném novověku a to Cyclopaedii (1728) od Ephraim Chamberse a Lexiconu Technicumu (1704) od Johna Harrise.
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    Learning a Foreign Language: A Review on Recent Findings About Its Effect on the Enhancement of Cognitive Functions Among Healthy Older Individuals.Blanka Klimova - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:355309.
    Currently, there is an increasing number of older population groups, especially in developed countries. This demographic trend, however, may cause serious problems, such as an increase in aging diseases, one of which is dementia whose main symptom consists in the decline of cognitive functioning. Although there has been ongoing pharmacological research on this neurological disorder, it has not brought satisfying results as far as its treatment is concerned. Therefore, governments all over the world are trying to develop alternative, non-pharmacological strategies/activities, (...)
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  7. Conceptualizing religious discourse in the work of Fëdor Dostoevskij.Svetlana Klimova - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1-2):55-64.
    I interpret Dostoevskij’s religious concepts in terms of mythogenesis and mythopoesis. Dostoevskij’s religious concepts arose on the basis both of his personal emotional experience and of the discourse of popular Orthodoxy. They demonstrate the antinomial nature of Russian spirituality, and are typified by his conception of the family, which illustrates the communal basis of the individual personality. The antimomial idea of the family is most fully developed in Dostoevskij’s novel The Brothers Karamazov, in which the four models of fatherhood correspond (...)
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    Dostoevsky - Strakhov - Tolstoy: Toward to the Story of One Conflict.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):72-88.
    The well-known epistolary conflict between Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Strakhov over the latter's slander of the great Russian writer's terrible sins is considered in the article from the point of view a philosophical anthropology and relations not two but between three participants of this story: Dostoyevsky, Strakhov and Tolstoy. This conflict is presented through anthropological, existential, and class prisms of description, based on a reconstruction of Strakhov's concept of man as a controversial, dual, and undefined being reflected in Dostoevsky's work. (...)
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    L.N. Tolstoy: Enstrangement, Politics, Religion.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (5):362-380.
    This article describes the device of enstrangement in relation to L.N. Tolstoy’s religious–political ideas. We focus on discussing the connection between enstrangement as a literary device and Tols...
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    Spinoza and Tolstoy in Valentin Asmus’ comparative analysis.Svetlana Klimova - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):345-357.
    The paper investigates the dependence of Leo Tolstoy’s ethical, religious and political ideas on Benedict Spinoza’s philosophy. The Soviet philosopher Valentin Asmus offered a solution to this problem by attempting to emphasize rationalist elements in Tolstoy’s teachings while glossing over his religious inclinations. Asmus treated Tolstoy’s “life’s religion” as a peculiar form of humanist ethics, just like Spinoza’s idea that “God” is merely infinite Nature. Asmus compared the Spinozist and Tolstoyan understanding of the relationship between metaphysics and ethics. He also (...)
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    University Students and Their Ability to Perform Self-Regulated Online Learning Under the COVID-19 Pandemic.Blanka Klimova, Katarina Zamborova, Anna Cierniak-Emerych & Szymon Dziuba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of the educational system, including students’ learning styles, which are heavily dependent on self-regulated studying strategies and motivation. The purpose of this study was to discover whether Central European students, in this case the Slovak and Czech students, were able to perform self-regulated learning during online learning under the COVID-19 pandemic to achieve their learning goals and improve academic performance, as well as to propose a few practical recommendations how to develop and maintain (...)
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    Russian Intelligentsia in Search of an Identity: Between Dostoevsky’s Oppositions and Tolstoy’s Holism.Svetlana Klimova - 2020 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This monograph considers the problem of the Russian intelligentsia’s self-identification in its historic-philosophical aspect and compares the spiritual and biographical opposition of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy in the 19th and 20th century.
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    The Ethico-Religious Imperatives of Lev Tolstoy’s Life and Work.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (5):345-350.
    Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s departure from this earth took place in 1910, a year that has since become a common touchstone for Russians. The twentieth century came to a symbolic close, beginning a te...
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    Valentin Asmus’s first book in émigré and in Soviet criticism in the 1920s.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):575-588.
    This article covers Valentin Asmus’s first book Dialectical Materialism and Logic and response thereto among émigré and Soviet intellectuals. The interest in Asmus’s first book is not only related to the demonstration of his ideas. It records and discusses the main problems that emerged in early Soviet theory of cognition, and reveals the existence of a latent Hegelian trend within it. Asmus presents the dialectical method by situating it within the development of philosophical ideas from Hegel to Marx. The article (...)
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    Weber’s interpretive project and the practical failure of meaningful action.Sveta Klimova - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (2):261-278.
    The practical failure to understand in conflicts, where participants routinely challenge each other’s attribution of meaning, undermines the key assumption of the Weberian interpretive project: that the subject acts meaningfully. This article revisits Weber’s concept of meaning as an object of understanding for a social scientist. Ascertaining the empirical fact of subjective attribution, as Weber advised, may not be sufficient when it comes to understanding action whose meaning is disputed. The article uses the example of E.P. Thompson’s interpretation of eighteenth-century (...)
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    L.N. Tolstoy: The Enlightener who Overcame the Enlightenment.S. M. Klimova - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (2):109-126.
    The article considers L.N. Tolstoy not only as a thinker who represents but also accomplishes Enlightenment. Through a comparison of his ideas with philosophy of Spinoza and Diderot, the author clarifies the aspects of the transition from Enlightenment to the unique Tolstoy’s religious and philosophical doctrine. A special attention is paid to the way of thinking, the relation to science and the specifics of the worldview of Tolstoy and Diderot. The contradiction between the way of thinking and the way of (...)
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  17. The application features of seasonal-cyclic patterns in international financial markets.Sergii Sardak & O. Benenson O. Dzhusov, S. Smerichevskyi, S. Sardak, O. Klimova - 2019 - Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 23 (5):1-10.
    The paper deals with the topical issue of studying cyclic patterns in the economy and their practical application for the forecasts on the development of financial markets. The work aims to establish the features of the seasonal-cyclic patterns "The January barometer" and "The first five days of January" in the international financial markets in current conditions and to develop recommendations for the practical application of these patterns in the investment activities. The US stock market as an integral part of the (...)
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    V.—critical notices.S. V. Keeling - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):496-501.
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    Filosof v prostranstve kulʹtury: k 60-letii︠u︡ B.L. Gubmana, sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ.S. V. Rassadin (ed.) - 2011 - Tverʹ: Tverskoĭ gos. universitet.
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  20. Filosofskai︠a︡ praktika v sovremennom mire: vyzovy i otvety.S. V. Borisov - 2019 - Cheli︠a︡binsk: I︠U︡zhno-Uralʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet.
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    Zhiznʹ i smertʹ v nauchnom i religioznom istolkovanii.V. A. Romenet︠s︡ - 1989 - Kiev: "Zdorovʹi︠a︡".
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    Print︠s︡ip prirodosoobraznosti v ėkologicheskom vospitanii: istoriko-pedagogicheskiĭ aspekt.S. V. Lebedev - 2008 - Nizhniĭ Tagil: NTGSPA.
    В монографии в широком историческом контексте охарактеризован процесс возникновения и развития сущностного наполнения принципа природосообразности в истории филисофско-педагогической мысли от античного периода по Новое время.
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    Poisk krasoty: rolʹ ėsteticheskikh orientirov v formirui︠u︡shcheĭsi︠a︡ nauchnoĭ teorii.S. V. Kotina - 2002 - Moskva: Vestkom.
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  24. Teoreticheskie problemy gosudarstvennosti i prava v politiko-pravovykh uchenii︠a︡kh XVII--nachala XX v.S. V. Lipenʹ - 2011 - Minsk: Akademii︠a︡ MVD. Edited by V. V. Lazarev.
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  25. Antichnyĭ polis: iz istorii politiko-pravovykh ideĭ: V-IV vv. do n.ė.S. V. Volkova - 2002 - S.-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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    How does the nervous system control the equilibrium trajectory?S. V. Adamovich - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):704-705.
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    Sushchestvovanie i dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ v opredelenii t︠s︡ennostnogo otnoshenii︠a︡.S. V. Porosenkov - 2002 - Permʹ: Izd-vo Permskogo universiteta.
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  28. Perspectives on Greek Philosophy S.V. Keeling Memorial Lectures in Ancient Philosophy, 1992-2002.R. W. Sharples & S. V. Keeling - 2003
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    Philosophical ideas in spiritual culture of the indigenous peoples of north America.S. V. Rudenko & Y. A. Sobolievskyi - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:168-182.
    The purpose of the article is to reveal philosophical ideas in the mythology and folklore of the indigenous peoples of North America. An important question: "Can we assume that the spiritual culture of the American Indians contained philosophical knowledge?" remains relevant today. For example, European philosophy is defined by appeals to philosophers of the past, their texts. The philosophical tradition is characterized by rational argumentation and formulation of philosophical questions that differ from the questions of ordinary language. However, the problem (...)
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  30.  43
    The prerequisites for one-jint motor control theories.S. V. Adamovich & A. G. Feldman - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):210-211.
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    Physicians' quantitative assessments of medical futility.S. V. McCrary, J. W. Swanson, S. J. Youngner, H. S. Perkins & W. J. Winslade - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):100.
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    Formation and development of the philosophical anthropology studies in soviet ukraine.S. V. Rudenko & V. E. Turenko - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:143-156.
    Purpose of this article is the historical reconstruction of the studies in philosophical anthropology in Soviet Ukraine. Theoretical basis. In the philosophical tradition of independent Ukraine, there is an opinion that at the intersection of the 1960s and 1970s, there was an anthropological turn in the national philosophical thought. The authors provide a holistic and comprehensive reconstruction of philosophical understanding of man in the works of Ukrainian thinkers of the Soviet era. Originality. It has been proved that before the emergence (...)
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  33.  39
    Physicians' legal defensiveness in end-of-life treatment decisions: comparing attitudes and knowledge in states with different laws.S. V. McCrary, J. W. Swanson, J. Coulehan, K. Faber-Langendoen, R. S. Olick & C. Belling - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (1):15.
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    Effects of long-term meditation practice on attentional biases towards emotional faces: An eye-tracking study.S. V. Pavlov, V. V. Korenyok, N. V. Reva, A. V. Tumyalis, K. V. Loktev & L. I. Aftanas - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (5):807-815.
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    Search for approaches to the formation of an adequate image of science in the learning process.S. V. Vlasova - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (3):228.
    Ideas used in the philosophy of science to describe the development of science (T. Kuhn, V. Stepin, K. Hübner) are analyzed in a context of their adaptation for educational purposes. It is shown that the most appropriate approach considers the science as a unique complex self-organizing system. This approach makes it possible to integrate any fruitful ideas from different models.
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    Situations in Which Disjunctive Syllogism Can Lead from True Premises to a False Conclusion.S. V. Bhave - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (3):398-405.
    Disjunctive Syllogism, that is, the inference from 'not-A or B' and 'A', to 'B' can lead from true premises to a false conclusion if each of the sentences 'A' and 'not-A' is a statement of a partial truth such that affirming one of them amounts to denying the other, without each being the contradictory of the other. Such sentences inevitably occur whenever a situation which for its proper precise description needs the use of expressions such as 'most probably true' and (...)
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  37.  20
    Про підвищення якості сучасної вищої освіти і духовно-морального виховання молоді: Німецький та інший європейський досвід.S. V. Blaginina, S. P. Pylypenko & O. M. Osnatch - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:90-104.
    The relevance of the study has two sides — individual and general. In its essential aspect, it is the development of achievements of predecessors by consistently taking into account the latest data on trends and changes in the interconnected spheres of education, economics and culture. In the individual aspect, it is about improving the professional means of improving the efficiency of teaching foreign languages in order to form students with a high level of linguistic-professional competence. Public relevance is the goal (...)
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  38.  52
    Francis Bacon's doctrine of idols: a diagnosis of ‘universal madness’.S. V. Weeks - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (1):1-39.
    The doctrine of idols is one of the most famous aspects of Bacon's thought. Yet his claim that the idols lead to madness has gone almost entirely unnoticed. This paper argues that Bacon's theory of idols underlies his diagnosis of the contemporary condition as one of ‘universal madness’. In contrast to interpretations that locate his doctrine of error and recovery within the biblical narrative of the Fall, the present analysis focuses on the material and cultural sources of the mind's tendency (...)
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    The liar paradox and many-valued logic.S. V. Bhave - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (169):465-479.
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    Death Stranding, Hobbes and the Problem of Social Order: Where (and How) Should we Haul the Sovereign?S. V. Kozlov - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (3):142-164.
    In this article I describe the implicit conceptualization of social order which exists in Death Stranding — localized in both the setting and the mechanics of the game — and compare it with the conceptualization of Thomas Hobbes’s “Leviathan”. First, the theoretical tension between Death Stranding and “Leviathan” is traced: the speculative conceptualization of the Leviathan and the procedural conceptualization of Death Stranding are compared by clarifying the role that the concepts of action, authorization, right and sovereignty play in Hobbesian (...)
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    Social Magic: on an Unnoticed Concept of Pierre Bourdieu.S. V. Kozlov - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (4):139-154.
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    Evolution of Annular Self-controlled Electron–Nucleus Collapse in Condensed Targets.S. V. Adamenko & V. I. Vysotskii - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (11):1801-1831.
    We considered peculiarities of the evolution of a region with sharp boundaries that is filled with a partially ionized plasma and is a part of the volume of a condensed target. The creation of such a region in the near-surface layer of the target can be related to the action of an external impulse symmetric ionizator or to the action of an intense small-extension shock wave on the target surface. We defined the conditions such that their fulfilment during the establishment (...)
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  43. Ocherki russkoĭ filosofii XVIII-XX vv.S. V. Arzhanukhin, B. V. Emelʹi︠a︡nov & R. N. Kholstinin (eds.) - 1994 - Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Uralʹskoĭ gos. i︠u︡rid. akademii.
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    Objective and subjective measures of distractibility.S. V. Austin & D. R. Hemsley - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):182-184.
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  45. Anatta/Anatmata by Mangala Chinchore.S. V. Bokil - 2003 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 30 (1):146-152.
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  46. A Note on'Tattvamasi'.S. V. Bokil - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (3):425-434.
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  47. David Humes views on the nature of aesthetic judgment.S. V. Bokil - 1980 - In Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, Kalidas Bhattacharya & K. J. Shah, Philosophy, theory and action. Poona: Continental Prakashan for Prof. S.S. Barlingay Felicitation Committee. pp. 164.
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  48. Illocutionary Acts and Sentence Meaning.S. V. Bokil - 2003 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 30 (2):347-355.
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  49. Idealism and Rights.S. V. Bokil - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (2):279-289.
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  50. The argument from illusion: All appearance and no reality.S. V. Bokil - 2005 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1-2):147-158.
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